I'm 80 years old and trying hard to get along with computers. The default browser which I use is Internet Explorer 64-bit. My computer is a Hewlett-Packard Pavilion with an Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2220 2.40 GHz 64-bit operating system using Windows Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 2.

Flash Player 10 is listed but there is nothing shown in the byte size column.
If I go to my complete list of programs on the Install or Remove Programs, I find a listing for several Adobe products such as Acrobat, ReaderX, Digital each of which has a size in bytes. But I still cannot open the email attachments and still get the message that I need to download Flash Player 9.0 or higher. I followed the download instructions using the 32-bit IE system and the download message says that Flash Player 10.0 has been successful. I have also gotten led to an Adobe tutorial entitled Flash Player | 64-bit operating systems which directs me to select the 32-bit Internet Explorer system on my computer by going to Start>Programs. Then the next time I try to open an email attachment I get the same failure message. I follow the instructions to the letter and get a message that the download of Flash Player 10 has successfully been completed. The messages say to download the latest Flash Player click here. I have repeatedly tried to download Flash Player after getting pop-up messages from Adobe that tell me I cannot open attachments to emails because I need Flash Player 9.0 or higher.